Support Files
morse code 1 (example)
morse code 2 (example)
morse code dit (wav)
morse code dit (mp3)
morse code dah (wav)
morse code dah (mp3)
morse code gap (wav)
morse code gap (mp3)
Reverse String #1
Reverse String #2
Reverse String #3
create 'silly' sentences
Earth Circumference Calculations
Earth's Latitude Speed a
Earth's Latitude Speed b
The Round Earth
A Simple Number Guessing Game
Convert Temperatures
Closest pair of points
Fibonacci Numbers and Other Sequences (Fibonacci)
Fibonacci Numbers and Other Sequences (other series)
Cannonball Distance
Compound Interest
Bubble Sort
Insertion Sort
Binary Search
Binary Search Tree (3)
Binary Tree(a)
Binary Tree(b)
Leap Year Calculation
Calculate Travel Time To Another Star
Age On Another Planet
Dyson Sphere
Count the Number of Words in A Text File
Read ASCII Star Catalog File
Draw Star Catalog Data (read star catalog)
Draw Star Catalog Data (test transformation matrix)
Draw Star Catalog Data (test lat/lon conversion to xyz)
Draw Star Catalog Data (extract galactic lat/lon; convert to x,y,z; write to CSV file)
Draw Star Catalog Data (test rotating the point of interest in lat/lon to the +z axis)
Draw Star Catalog Data (test lat/lon rotation)
Draw Star Catalog Data (rough cut of star display)
Drop a Rock from an Airplane and Hit a Target
Create Arithmetic Worksheets (addition)
Create Arithmetic Worksheets (subtraction)
Send and Receive Secret Messages
Calculate/Display a Resistor's Value (8)
Convert a Float to a Fraction
Draw a Spiral (square)
Draw a Spiral (Archimedes)
Draw a Spiral (logarithmic)
Draw a Spirograph
Using Curses, Draw a Happy Face
Create a List of High/Low Pairs
Demonstrate Linked List
Card Game
Bell Curve (project #1)
Bell Curve (project #1)
Bell Curve (project #2)
Bell Curve (project #3)
Who can hear us?
Convert a String to a Number (integer)
Convert a String to a Number (float)
Descriptive Numeric String
Simple Craps Game
Create A Roman Numeral Converter
Create A Simple Jukebox
Automated Picture Frame (window)
Create A Morse Code Translator
Convert String to Morse Code
Display a Directory Tree
Create Your Own GREP Utility (2)
Print the tail of a text file
Great Circle vs Direct Tunnel (1)
Centripetal Force - Artificial Gravity(a)
Centripetal Force - Artificial Gravity(b)
Centripetal Force - Artificial Gravity(c)
Centripetal Force - Artificial Gravity(d)
How High is the Mountain? (problem #1)
How High is the Mountain? (problem #3)
Keep a Directory Tree Up-To-Date (2)
Draw an Ellipse
MySQL/MariaDB - Simple Phone Book (1)
NoSQL - Simple Phone Book (1)
Enigma Machine Simulation
Tic-Tac-Toe (6)
Black Box Game
Game of Life (4)
Simple Command Line Interpreter (5)
Classic Text-based Game (game)
Classic Test-based Game (generate game data)
Evaluate Numeric Expressions
Modify/Fix an Existing Program (fixed)
Modify/Fix an Existing Program (improved)
Validate/Verify HTML File's Proper Nesting of Tags
Web Crawler / Web Bot
6502 Simulator
Star Trek Classic Game (circa 1973) (7)
Simple dashboard gauge
A Simple Messaging Service (1)
Demonstrate Graphics Transformation Matrix (1)
Demonstrate a Lookaside List
Ring Data Structure (a ring of beads)
Fold a Piece of Paper
Weather Forecast Data
Weather Forecast Plot
Edit Images (1)
Minimum Path
Print Letter/Invoice With F-Strings
Calculate Pi to N Digits
Laser and Mirror
21 Built-In Python Functions
Command Line Arguments
Doppler Shift (spacecraft)
Doppler Shift (train)
Analog Clock a
Analog Clock b
Googly Eyes
Hash Table: Day of the Week
Hash Table: Python Reserved Words
Plot curve #1
Plot curve #5
Plot curve #6
Plot curve #6X
Plot sine #7a
Plot sine #7b (with Origin Offset)
Password Vault - main
Password Vault - test database
Password Vault - encrypt/decrypt
Password Vault - menus
Password Vault - utilities
Password Vault - help
Face recognition
Convert markdown - main
Convert markdown - convert MD to HTML
Convert markdown - my lifo queue
Convert markdown - start/end webpage
Convert markdown - test read raw strings from file
Convert markdown - test my lifo queue/stack
Convert markdown - my lifo queue/stack
Convert markdown - test searching for MD tags
Convert markdown - test alternate MD parser
Convert markdown - test reading one byte at a time
Convert markdown - test file (
Convert markdown - test file (
Convert markdown - test file (
Draw Multi-point Graphics Objects (Stars?)
Send email - yagmail example
Send email - yagmail example
Hex dump
Hex dump notes
Count lines of code
Image metadata A
Image metadata B
Geocoding/Geolocation a
Geocoding/Geolocation b
Geocoding/Geolocation c
Geocoding/Geolocation d
Geocoding/Geolocation e
Financial (Stock) Market Data (1)
Golden Spiral / Golden Ratio
Convert a Number to Different Bases
Time Dilation Calculator and Plot
Fourier Series Demonstration
Plot Combine Waves #1
Plot Combine Waves #2
Plot Square Wave
Plot Triangle Wave
Plot Sawtooth Wave
Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
Create an Animated GIF
Linear Programming a (x,y)
Linear Programming b (x,y)
Linear Programming c (x,y)
Linear Programming d (x,y)
Linear Programming e (x,y)
Linear Programming f (x,y,z)
Pygame a
Pygane b
Two Pointer Problem a
Two Pointer Problem b
Is it an Armstrong number?
Shift Elements in a List (a)
Shift Elements in a List (b)
Compare lists - File Checksums (a)
Compare Lists - File Names (b)
Infix and Postfix Numerical Expressions (a)
Infix and Postfix Numerical Expressions (b)
Infix and Postfix Numerical Expressions (c)
Infix and Postfix Numerical Expressions (d)
Infix and Postfix Numerical Expressions (e)
File Organizer
Estimate the Size of a Population from a Random Sample (a)
Estimate the Size of a Population from a Random Sample (b)
Data Compression (a)
Data Compression (b)
Fix It - Modify It
My Programming Language
BMP File - Display Header
BMP File - Draw Image
BMP File - Padding Calculator
PNG File - Display Header
JPG File - Display Header
GIF File - Display Header
Cycloid Curve
Use Regx To Find Prime Numbers
Extract Information From Binary STL Files
Plot this Equation
Square Root Babylonian Style
Graphics Transformation Matrix (draw blob/polygon)
Graphics Transformation Matrix (spin blob/polygon)
Graphics Transformation Matrix (test transformation matrix order)
Graphics Transformation Matrix (bell curve)
Graphics Transformation Matrix (sin function)
Graphics Transformation Matrix (animation)
Graphics Transformation Matrix (wire frame w/ scale)
Graphics Transformation Matrix (solid shape with surfaces, drawn in list order)
Graphics Transformation Matrix (solid shape with surfaces, drawn based on normal vector)
Graphics Transformation Matrix (solid shape with surfaces, rotation animation)
Graphics Transformation Matrix (menu driven transformations)
Graphics Transformation Matrix (wire frame shapes)
Graphics Transformation Matrix (cube's surface colors, *.png)
(1) Python code in the project description.
(2) Perl code in the project description.
(3) Project description contains links to code examples.
(4) Code examples can be found on the web. (There are so many examples
on the web that it is a waste of time for me to code this project)
(5) See Python argparse module for code examples.
(6) The project description contains a link to a design.
(7) The project description contains links to the original BASIC code.
(8) The best solution requires graphics pull down menus.