Enigma Simulation - GUI Documentation


This document answers the question "What do all of those buttons do"?


A thru Z
Display a character and it's encrypt/decrypt character. The characters are displayed in the text areas. The text areas have a limited size (64 characters I think.).

Clear Buffer
Clears the text areas so the user can start over. The rotors, etc are not changed. They pick-up where they left off.

Reset Rotors
Resets everything (rotors, buffers, etc) to the built-in default configuration.

Set Rotors
Sets the internal configuration using the left-rotor, middle-rotor and right-rotor values displayed.

Exit the program.

left-rotor, middle-rotor, right-rotor
Allows the user to define the configuration used by the set command.

Stat, Display, Auto Advance On, Auto Advance Off, Sub Debug On, Sub Debug Off
Used for debugging or just watching what goes on internally.